Our main focus at Montana OutWest is our elk hunts. Hunting elk is a dream for many hunters and most of our year is spent focusing on elk.
We break our elk hunts into three different hunts –Our Archery elk hunt, our rifle elk hunt (weeks 1-3), and our migration rifle elk hunt (weeks 4 and 5).
All of our hunts are fully outfitted and include all guiding, meals, lodging, and care of game. Not included are all travel expenses, licenses, processing, and gratuities.

At Montana OutWest Outfitters we take bow hunting serious. All of our guides are accomplished bow hunters and callers. There may be no better time to chase elk than during the rut with a bow in hand. During our archery hunts we have a lot of encounters and see a lot of elk as is activity is highest during the rut.
Our area boasts a high number of large elk herds that we focus on for the first three rifle hunts. As the weeks progress these herds grow in size as new elk move in from surrounding areas.
As a note year to year we average out about the same success rate on elk across every week of the season. We suggest matching the hunt to your schedule and the type of experience you are looking for. Linked below is more info on our rifle elk hunts.

During the archery season, the elk are hunted by a combination of calling/glassing or stand hunting wallows. Our hunts are conducted by driving to an area then hunting from there on foot. As with all western hunts physical preparation will increase your odds of success dramatically.
We suggest the second third and fourth weeks of the season as the optimal time for this hunt. By hunting the rut chances of calling in a bull are greater than other time of year.
Our Rifle hunts are conducted by driving to an area then hunting from there on foot. Our primary hunting method consists of spot and stalk. As with all western hunts physical preparation will increase your odds of success dramatically. Our first three rifle hunts primarily target various resident elk herds throughout the area. These are herds we have been watching throughout the archery season and have a good handle on their habits.
Our area boasts a high number of large elk herds that we focus on for the first three rifle hunts. as the weeks progress these herds grow in size as new elk move in from surrounding areas.

Our archery hunts take advantage of when elk are the most vulnerable- the rut. During this time of year the bulls are bugling and attempting to round up cows. There is no other noise while out hunting quite like the bugle of a bull elk. Although it is not with out hard work hunting elk with a bow during the rut can be one of the most exciting hunting opportunities out west. It is also the best time to lay eyes on the biggest bulls in the area. although it is not an easy feat to take a herd bull with a bow. archery season is the best time to locate larger bulls.
Rifle Hunt 1
This hunt starts on opening day –a Saturday and runs through the following Wednesday. This is the first crack at elk with a rifle for the season. On this hunt we target bulls that we have been watching all year. Every year on average we kill 50% of the bulls taken for the week on the first day. Many years we find the elk may even be bugling the first morning.
Rifle Hunt 2
This hunt is Monday through Friday. We are still targeting resident elk however the amount of hunters on public land is substantially less than the first hunt. This can be a great hunt with less competition and still offer great opportunities.
Rifle Hunt 3
This hunt can be great because not only do you have less pressure than week one, you still have resident elk and you also start to get the first bulls of the migration.
Migration Rifle Elk Hunts (weeks 4&5)
This hunt generally boasts high numbers of elk as the weather in the high country pushes herds down into areas closer to their winter range. This can be a great time to hunt and target those older more mature bulls as they make their way down in search of winter feed.
Due to our high demand and nearly 100% repeat clientele we rarely have openings for our “general elk and deer hunts”. Because of this we decided to shake it up a little bit this year and offer an application service in some of the LIMITED DRAW HUNTS in our guide use areas. While the odds are low, the lucky draw applicants will be granted a spot with our outfit for either a rifle or archery hunt in the drawn unit.